Which Instagram filters get more “Likes”?

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Even though #nofilter might be a hashtag of choice on Instagram, more people than ever are adding effects to the photos they post on social media. And now there’s a scientifically proven reason why.

A collaborative study from Yahoo Labs and Georgia Tech found that adding a filter makes more people engage with your photo, and that certain filters are more effective at getting those coveted “likes.” The paper is set to be published in the proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media.


The study focused on Flickr, which Yahoo owns. Researchers analyzed 7.6 million public photos uploaded through Flickr’s smartphone app, more than half of which were also posted on Instagram. They found that shots with filters are 21% more likely to be viewed, and 45% more likely to be commented on. And they found that different types of filters were the best at increasing those views and comments. If you’re looking to get the most out of that smartphone photo, add a filter that increases contrast, corrects exposure problems, and creates a “warmer” color temperature.

What is your go-to filter?

Do you use multiple filters or edit your photos in other apps before Instagram?

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