Virante Author Rank: Google Authorship Stats!

Virante Author Rank

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In November 2013, Mark Traphagen officially rolled out the new version of the Virante Author Rank tool and announced that it isn’t Google Author Rank rather it is a new tool to measure the relative search ranking strength of content fashioned by any individual author that is linked from the author’s Google+ profile using Google Authorship.

Google Authorship is going to be important for SEO! It’s already made a big impact.


Google Authorship, as known by many, has invigorated many content creators to build certified links between their Google+ profiles and their own content on the web. This will help authors get rich results when someone searches for their content. But the fact remains that despite all this is that Google Authorship is not yet a ranking factor in the search. “We don’t use Authorship for ranking,” said Google Webmaster Tools Analyst John Mueller in a Google Webmaster Central Hangout broadcast 27 September 2013.

Although Google has not yet applied any plans to increase authors search value as per the measured authority, Google Authorship’s wide usage has proven that such author authority is appreciated and web searchers trust content that comes from real people. Moreover, authorship helps to build a brand when people see the same person delivering quality content again and again.

Virante Author Rank is all about valuing and recognizing such authors. It is a set of scores that measure the signs that mostly affects the search ranking ability of the content. Virante Author Rank is the pattern that totals the collective average search engine ranking strength of the Google Authorship connected content of authors. In other words, the higher is an author’s Author Rank score, the better will be the probability of her or his content to be able to do well in the search engines. Nevertheless, the ranking power of any individual piece of content will vary. Virante tool offers a reading of the average strength across all the domains on which the author has published the contents.

By G+ Author: Erin Washington.

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