On June 25th, Selena Gomez posted a photo to her Instagram account. The photo featured herself holding a coke bottle with the words “You’re the spark,” while the caption read “when your lyrics are on the bottle [emoji].”
This photo became the most liked post in the history of Instagram, surpassing Justin Bieber’s March 2016 post (which also featured Gomez!) and Kendall Jenner’s December 2015 post. Gomez sits atop the social media rankings.
Moreover, according to D’Marie Analytics, Selena Gomez is the No. 1 influencer on social media. In fact, each of Gomez’s social media posts is worth $550,000 when shared across Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Kendall Jenner, Kylie Jenner, Rihanna, Beyonce, and Taylor Swift follow, respectively. In December 2015, D’Marie estimated that Kendall Jenner, Taylor Swift, and other top 2 percent of social influencers could charge $230,000 per post. Evidently, Gomez can charge a whopping $320,000 more than her peers could in Decemeber.
To understand the methodology behind Gomez’s figure, Frank Spadafora, CEO and Founder of D’Marie Analytics, explains. “The rate-per-post is her ‘ad equivalent’ value per post across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. This may be different than how much she is actually getting paid when participating in social media campaigns. That is up to negotiations between her agents and the brands. This valuation is based on D’Marie’s algorithm which measures 56 metrics including followers, post frequency, engagement, quality of post, click-thru and potential to create sales conversions from her social content.”
Gomez’s audience increases by approximately 200,000 followers daily on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. She has nearly 90 million followers on Instagram alone, and 200 million total when considering Facebook and Twitter, too.
Interestingly, though, Gomez only has deals with Coca-Cola, Pantene, and Kmart. Spadafora states, “It’s interesting that the statistically most influential person on social media is engaged in noticeably less campaigns than other celebrities. Personally, I think it’s because she’s being smart and she’s aware that over-saturating her social feeds with sponsored content could negatively impact the relationship she has with her audience.”