With the winter Holidays just in the next few weeks, Growing Social Media wanted to share a Holiday Shopping fact sheet! Social Media plays a large role in purchases this time of year – from gift suggestions on Pinterest to opinions of products on Facebook. Facebook influences customers the most, followed by Pinterest, Twitter, Blogs, and Instagram, according to Crowdtap.
Did you purchase gifts with the help of social media networks? Comment below and let us know!
Deloitte Annual Holiday Survey: http://www.deloitte.com/view/en_US/us/Industries/Retail-Distribution/consumer-spending-2013/index.htm?id=us:el:fu:holisurvey:awa:retail:110113
Brafton Article: http://www.brafton.com/blog/34-statistics-marketers-can-thankful-holiday-season
The 3rd age of social http://www.peerindex.com/pdf/The-3rd-Age-of-Social.pdf