Party Party is another app that has taken the app market world by storm.
The Party Party app, which is now in the iOS App Store, is used to share your party moments with friends and family. The app went straight to #1 as soon as it was launched signaling the intensity with which folks want to share their party moments. Actually, this is not something even the founders expected at all.
So what exactly does the app do?
The app lets you pick the number of photos you want to take, and it will automatically take the photos one at a time. The default spacing between the photos is 1 second. If you do not want to be harassed by the automatic timing, you can go to the settings and set the timing to manual so that you can take the pictures at your own pace. You are advised to turn the sound on so that you can hear the countdown. Once you have the photos, the app allows you to turn them into an animation or a looping video for your Instagram followers. You can also save the pictures as a .gif file for your website, Tumblr or blog.
This app is actually pretty simple and straight forward to use. All you need to do is to visit the app store and download it. You will then start sharing party moments with your friends and followers within moments.
Although you might need to add music to your video loop, it might not be possible because the app does not have that capability. However, if you want to add music to the video loop, there is another app called VideoSound that can help you achieve that.
Party Party is certainly an app that will get you and your friends together in a continuous party mood, long after the actual party is done.