The Internet is ageless and continues far beyond the limits that you might like. In other words, what you write today may haunt you in the future.
Avoid the pitfalls of social media!
Using social media means there are two versions of you: the offline version and the online one.
Whether you choose to acknowledge it or not, your online version tracks your life like your credit score does. Your online presence is similar to your offline. However; you can see it more clearly because it is what you choose to tell others about yourself. This online presence can make or destroy your reputation.
My advice is that you take it seriously and take control of your online identity as soon as possible. Why, you ask? This online persona, though primarily social, could have a big impact on other aspects of your life off-line. For example, prospective employers will Google you, as will colleges to which you are applying. And, anybody doing business with you or considering doing business with you will be able to access information about you that you may or may not want to be known.
Believe me when I say you are in control of what anyone sees and reads about you.
Sign up for a LinkedIn account and fill in as much as you can. Even if you have not had a solid job experience, you will be out there. Being present on the Internet can go a long way towards creating opportunities in your future as long as the information is positive. Use the Internet to your advantage by creating a likable personality.
Avoid getting into flame wars with people on Facebook over hot-button political issues or hijacking other people’s threads; avoid posting a zillion selfies a day on Instagram and tagging them “selfie” – “cutie” – “pretty” etc. Because, DUH.. If you enjoy taking pictures, look into Instagram. If you enjoy writing, consider writing for a blog or create one.
2014 is around the corner and you are online, like it or not.