Interesting Subreddits You Can Spend Hours On!

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In many cases, before content goes viral on Facebook or Twitter, it appears on Reddit first. Reddit, the front page of the Internet, is home to the people passionate about unique, quality content. Reddit differs from many social media platforms in its community feel- not only will you enjoy the content you find, but also the comments and discussions below it.

To find the best laughable, heartwarming and thought-provoking conversations online, visit the most interesting subreddits on Reddit:


/r/IAmA: In this subreddit, distinguished people with unique experiences invite Reddit users to “ask me anything.” IamA has featured celebrities, politicians, journalists and other interesting roles in this candid, fascinating conversation. To find past posts, search by category and read away.


/r/EarthPorn: Find the most gorgeous pictures of Nature in this subreddit, from Wonders of the World, to National Parks, to local treasures. Get a better appreciation for the world and photography with these posts.


Death Valley Sand Dunes Catching the First Light of the Day [2000×1373] OC from EarthPorn


/r/woahdude: Similar to EarthPorn, but not limited to nature-related content, woahdude shares moments of awe with each other.

Look at the center of this image for 30sec, then watch Van Gogh’s *Starry Night* come to life [gif] from woahdude



/r/TodayILearned: When people discover new facts, stories or controversies, they share it on Today I learned first. Discover news-worthy findings that may have never crossed your daily media platforms. With this subreddit, you’ll always have something better to talk about than the weather.


TIL most Japanese schools do not employ janitors or custodians. The Japanese education system believes that requiring students to clean the school themselves teaches respect, responsibility, and emphasizes equality. from todayilearned


/r/PhotoShopBattles: On this subreddit, people submit photos that they want Reddit’s most fun-loving and talented Photoshop experts to edit. In the comments, people share their creations which are then upvoted by fans of the subreddit.


/r/LifeProTips: Here from the people that have totally found their way, whether in auto advice, travel advice, social advice, career advice or more!


LPT: If your bag gets lost when flying on most major airlines, go buy replacement clothes/shoes/sunglasses etc. and keep the receipts, you will get reimbursed by the airline. So long as the total amount is less than $500 most airline reps can approve it without going through corporate. from LifeProTips


/r/TIFU: While there is plenty of positive advice on Reddit, there’s also a place to share your failures. In this Reddit, people share how they messed up, whether as a warning or as entertainment (but probably a little bit of both).


TIFU after applying for over 30 jobs. from tifu


/r/Futurology: Here, technology and science enthusiasts share the latest inventions to give readers a better idea of what to expect next from innovation leaders.


/r/AskReddit: People ask questions to the Internet, and the Internet responds. A mix of sad, funny, and heartbreaking material lies in Ask Reddit, and you can spend hours reading the comments.

What is NOT a fun fact? from AskReddit


/r/Gifs: Find the best Gifs on the Internet, conveniently located on this subreddit.


In the end they are all just cats from gifs


/r/Pics: See where the most mesmerizing photos call home.

I’ve spent the past two years shooting drone aerials around the world. Here are 38 images which would be totally illegal today. from pics


Have any other interesting subreddits to share? Comment below!

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