Instagram algorithm- Doomsday Has Come

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Instagram has been known for the great platform for sharing inspiration with a touch of creativity from multiple users, small business and community pages.

 Instagram algorithm

However, doomsday has come with Instagram algorithm.


Instead of sorting posts in a familiar linear order, non-chronological newsfeed order has been adapted into Instagram. It is very similar to Facebook, which also happens to create more advertising space on Instagram and controlled content. By a brand-new algorithm, Instagram chose what to show you and when – essentially mirroring Facebook’s news feed.

According to Instagram, it could be a good thing for users. It means that, if the algorithm works, you should see the best photos and videos every time you open the app. Also Instagram CEO Kevin Systrom explained to the New York Times, “On average, people miss about 70 percent of the posts in their Instagram feed.” Systrom also insists the proposed change is about making sure the 30% people do see is the “best 30 percent possible.”

Instagram has been the ideal network of choice because its chronological order and an unlimited reach of contents. However, this footstep brought a whole new change.

 Instagram algorithm

The change caused many users to be upset, including everyone from celebrities to small business owners. The reaction from John Mayer and Kendall Jenner received more than 70,000 likes. That’s the reason you could see lots of pictures with the hashtag #turnmeon, which means asking followers to turn on push notifications so that they will receive an alert.

The buzz about Instagram’s new algorithm issue swirled social media over the week. In a response from  Instagram with CBS News, Instagram claims the algorithm is not intended to make businesses pay. Also, on their official Twitter account, Instagram noted “We’re listening and we assure you nothing is changing with your feed right now. We promise to let you know when changes roll out broadly.”

If you don’t want to miss a post by your family or your friends or pages, you need to turn on notifications for their ‘individual’ pages, so that you can continue creating your Instagram experience on your own. If you really hate the new algorithm, spread your word with the hashtags #keepinstagramchronological #saynotothealgorithm.

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