Social networking and social media are no more a new term for the people. It offers a novel means of interaction and engaging with global consumers. Statistics from Nielsen social media report points out that most of the consumers spend more time on social media via their personal computer (PC) or from mobile devices. It is even surprising that the figures have grown up by 37% approx in 2013, compared to 2012. There is no doubt that this figure can even multiply in the upcoming years.
It is seen that the Middle East, Asia-Pacific and Africa are the huge drivers of social media. Among them Asia-Pacific has the largest audiences owing to the population count. Asia-Pacific has the largest social network database with around 777 million people. Surprisingly this figure accounts for 44.8% of the total users worldwide. This is greater than three times the size of Latin America’s social network users, which is the second largest in the world.
According to the survey carried out for the social network audiences in Asia and the US, the breakup shows that 777.0 million users are from Asia-Pacific, 216.9 million from Latin America and 181.2 million audiences from North America. When the social media users in the US and Asia are taken as a whole, users in these countries often access the internet for a variety of reasons like shopping, searching, etc. They have more diverse internet users. However, users from the less developed countries are the frequent visitors of social networks. (eMarketer, June 2013)
A study carried out by GlobalWebIndex’s ‘Stream Social: Quarterly Social Platforms Update’ shows that Facebook is the topmost social network site worldwide. Google+ is in the second place as it attracts limited attention in the US.
The diversity and uses of social media networks have exploded and many websites are integrating social media features into their web coding.
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