Shoppers Against Black Friday Unite on Twitter

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With Black Friday approaching, both businesses and consumers prepare for bargains. While some shoppers create lists of which products to buy and stores to visit, other Americans with anti Black Friday sentiment plan their boycott behavior. In fact, consumers respond against Black Friday promotions by boycotting companies that participate in the shopping holiday (think Walmart, Best Buy, Target). However, the in-store boycott is magnified through social media conversation. By utilizing social media, consumers create a movement against Black Friday brands.


Because of the percentage of people who disagree with Black Friday promotions, many consumers have prepared social media campaigns, especially on Twitter. They call, or rather tweet, for a nationwide day of boycott. The grassroots group demonstrates their solidarity against the holiday’s affects on family time. After all, not only are shoppers spend their holiday time at the mall, but also store employees forced to leave Thanksgiving festivities early.

Twitter fans against Black Friday love using the #boycottblackfriday hashtag. Apart from that, there’s also movement to comment against promotions on Facebook and Instagram. By commenting on photos, consumers against Black Friday can communicate with the ones “liking” the deals to show disapproval. Additionally, they can demonstrate their disgust with the brands participating in Black Friday. Due to social boycotts and social media fury, brands will quickly redirect their attention away from Black Friday to look forward to other holidays.

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People against Black Friday should not underestimate the power of social media. People can be heard and brands are listening (although they may be ignoring you for now). If you really want brand attention, it’s best to RT and share the brands that openly reject Black Friday traditions. Commenting and joining on hashtags is a great way to show your support to those people who are aiming to fight against Black Friday in order to restore Thanksgiving ideals. Will you join this social media movement?

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