Instagram lovers have certainly noticed a big update: Instagram Direct. This new feature allows you to send photos and videos to selected people. Curious how it works? Then keep on reading!
Growing Social Media has a great holiday gift recommendation for you! Check out Projecteo, the tiny Instagram photo projector!
Now get your cherished memories off-screen with the help of Instagram Prints. You can get Instagram photos in any sizes at the most reasonable prices.
Get to know some of the top brands that are very successful in using Instagram. These are the best companies to follow on your feed!
Try to think to pick the Instagram App icon and try to make a real camera…
This is the main idea at the base of Instagram Socialmatic Project.
When marketing your product, what will you prefer, Instagram or Vine? Even though Instagram video is newly introduced, it has been a customer favorite!
Instagram is coming to the Windows Phone, and this time it’s official. Windows Phone users can expect to be instagramming away in the coming weeks.
With over a 150 million users, Instagram is getting as big as Facebook and Twitter. So if companies can benefit by strategically using Twitter and Facebook, then they surely can benefit from using Instagram as well! Learn how you can build your brand awareness thanks to Instagram with these useful tips.
After months of speculation by outsiders, Instagram is introducing advertising to users’ news feeds. Do you think this will fly with everyday users?
Instagram have up’d the ante of their video offering with Instagram 4.1. New changes and updates are always exciting! Usually it is bug fixes but this time there is a nifty tool that straightens your photos!
Instagram’s popularity has seen exponential growth since Facebook acquired the company, reaching 100 million active users just 5 months ago. As the growth continues, we thought we’d share with you our top 10 Instagram Statistics.
Trends, deeply pushed and rooted from Hashtags, change every minute of every day. But there are common, weekly trends too. Here they are!
Growing Social Media® offers social media marketing services for businesses that want to get more customers.
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