New York City has been a symbol of dream, hope and fun. A city where everyone starts; a city welcomes people with different backgrounds and cultures; a city that never sleeps; a city for lovers and fighters. New Yorkers capture the beauty of New York City by photography and street interviews. Below are some popular Instagram accounts that show the best of New York City. Scroll through the photos and stories and fall in love with this great city all over again.
A photoblog featuring street portraits and interviews in New York City. The campaign started in November 2010 by a photographer called Brandon Stanton. Brandon has been gathering over 6,000 portraits so far. He collects short stories from the people he met and includes these quotes alongside his photographs. It has become more than just a series of candid portraits but a collection of true human emotions. Humans of New York has developed a large following through social media. It has over 1.2 millions followers on Instagram as of July 8, 2014.
Similar to Humans of New York, the creator of this campaign takes photos of inhabitant and interviews them about why they love New York City. Each portrait comes with a quote from the interview. In this Instagram campaign, you will see people from all over the world look at this city from various angles. Some gave credit to its freedom and diversity, while other said they found true love and warmth. Go through the tons of reasons why people love New York City, you may agree with lots of them.
The creator of this account, Sam Morrison, has been living in Brooklyn since his graduation from Syracuse University in 2013. Sam records beautiful moments of New York City from a wide-eyed and young perspective. There is always a piece of copy comes alongside with each photo. Sam’s Instagram account even helped him find a job in New York City. Besides his Instagram account, he is also famous for his back flipping videos. Sam backpacked around the world and visited 22 countries for 107 days.
Christian Xavier’s photos capture the natural side of New York City –the sunset, the rivers as well as the greens and flowers. Visit this account and see New York City in various weathers and different seasons. New York City is not only about work and opportunities, skyline and crowd; you can also grasp the beauty of the nature in Central Park, in the reflections in the water and at the street corners.
A collection of photographs focuses on the bustling streets and iconic skyscrapers. The creator, Sylvio Sandino, is a camera operator and wedding videographer in Manhattan. Most of his photos are black-and-white, leaving people with endless imagination about the colors of New York City. Sylvio expresses his love for New York City by capturing the most breath-taking moments in the city.
What are your favorite Instagram accounts about NYC? Let us know in a comment below!