Deep Linking From Mobile Apps

Deep Linking From Mobile Apps

Hello Android and iOS mobile developers. Now when a user shares a favorite song or news story from your app to Google+, their stream post can include a deep link to that piece of content. Clicking the link either: Opens your app, and goes directly to the news story (for instance), or  Redirects to Google […]

6 Ways to Gain Exposure and Build a Following Online

6 Ways to Gain Exposure and Build a Following Online

Gaining exposure online by leveraging the internet and social media platforms is not just for big business with substantial budgets or internet experts. Small businesses and individuals can simply and cost effectively gain a following and raise their public profile. Artists, writers, bands and other creative enterprises can also successfully use the simple strategy explained […]

Multi-Currency E-Commerce Support In Google Analytics

Multi-Currency E-Commerce Support In Google Analytics

We’ve listened to your feedback and have heard the requests loud and clear: E-Commerce should support multiple currencies. We’re pleased to announce the launch of this feature which will be rolling out to all users over the next few weeks.  Multi-Currency support for eCommerce provides Google Analytics users with the ability to track transaction metrics […]